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Monday, February 11, 2019

ORGANIZING: Quick Ways To Add Space

We have a small house, and while I try to limit clutter, we still have things that need a home.  I'm always trying to think of ways to add storage in unique ways, and if I can do it for very little money, even better!

I've tried many different things over the years, but here are my favorite "hacks" (as my kiddos call them), that have worked for a long time.

One thing I have always struggled with was a way to store plastic wrap, foil,  baggies, etc. so I could easily reach them and not have everything fall over in the process.

Not long after moving into this house I had the bright idea to use Command Strips to hang magazine files on the inside of the pantry door,  (since then I've seen it all over Pinterest, so I had probably seen it and forgotten, but I'm going to let the kiddos think I'm brilliant for a little longer!)

Since then I added a magnet and a magnetic clip to hold zippy bags that can be reused, and I clipped the clothespins onto it so they are within reach of the chips.

I've had these hanging for over three years, and even when the door gets slammed they have never fallen off.

Having two hanging means I have room for unopened boxes, as well as the bags of skewers (pointed end down).

Under the magazine holders I have a big hook that holds our reusable shopping bags, and KC's lunch box. (Missing in this picture because he was at work.)

Right below that is a tiny hook for my large baking rack that doesn't fit in any of the cabinets.

For my small zippy bags I use more Command Hooks right inside the pantry, when I get a new box I just cut a small hole, even when the kiddos pull the bags out violently the hooks have never fallen off.

I also use Command Hooks inside the cabinet under the sink to hold my scrub brushes and gloves (using a large chip clip).

I tap the brushes off in the sink before I hang them and they don't drip.  (On the inside of the cabinet I have a bin that holds my clean dish rags and kitchen towels, and they are never wet.)  I let the gloves dry on the side of the sink before I hang them up.

Another problem we were struggling with was where to keep Q-Tips.  Our main bath is downstairs, but we do our hair and brush our teeth upstairs in the powder bath.  Both bathrooms are very small, and I don't like having too much out on the counter.  I had a little basket that Berea suggested we hang with Command Strips, but it kept falling off because there was a little lip, so the last time we tidied the cabinet Berea said I should use hot glue, it sticks better and could still be pealed off if it doesn't work.  

It works perfectly!  The basket hasn't moved in months, and it's so easy to reach in and grab a Q-Tip!  I love it when my kids come up with creative ideas I wouldn't have thought of!

Do you have any fun organizing "hacks" you can share?  

All opinions in this post are my own.  This post is not sponsored by 3M or Command Hooks, I did not receive any free product, and was not asked to write a review.

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