I can type recipes all day long, and I can tell you how I clean my bathroom step-by-step. But, organizing, isn't something that is one-size-fits-all.
While I think my kitchen is perfectly organized, I know that where I have things would drive other people crazy. (All of my baking supplies are above my oven, so I have to get out the step ladder to get down my ingredients, and I bake a lot!)
That said, my goal for my organization posts is to give you tips, ideas, and basic steps you can take to organize any, or all spaces.
Organizing is kinda my thing, I love having everything organized.
I have dumped everything out of drawers to re-organize it just for fun...
I'm weird, I know...
A few things to start:
Just because you organized a space and it's still organized doesn't mean you won't have to change it. It might look clean, and it is organized, but; it takes you too long to get to something you use often, or while it works for you, it might frustrate the rest of your family.
I like to think I am crazy organized. Yet, I still have to go back to different spaces and clean them up or re-do them. The upstairs powder bath cabinet is a mess, again. I think I pulled everything out and re-did it in March, but it isn't working. It's been on my to do list for over a month, and it's all my fault because no one else really uses the cabinet. (Proof in the picture below, note all the empty TP rolls I'm saving for more holiday projects.)
Organization requires up-keep. The pantry is organized, and I put away the groceries to keep it organized, but I still have to rearrange things after going to the market, it only takes a few minutes, but don't think that just because a space is organized you don't have to do any maintenance.
One person's mess might be another person's organized. Our garage is used for storage, to me, it's a disaster, I would love to pull everything out, and put it all back the way I would like it, but for the most part it's KC's space, he uses it for all of his tools, and if I ask him to bring me something from the garage he can [almost] always find it, so I let it be, because it works for him. (The same with the kiddos craft supplies and toy boxes, as long as things are put away and not on the floor I let them organize it their way, even when it makes my eye twitch!)
"Where do I start?"
Great question. I don't have an exact answer.
You need to start where it makes the best sense for you.
I know, you are overwhelmed and still confused.
What area bothers you the most? What space does your family complain about every day? Where do you spend the most time and get annoyed because you can't get things done quickly?
When you wake up is there a space, cabinet, drawer that you see and it makes you feel overwhelmed? When your kiddo asks if you signed their permission slip do you panic trying to figure out where it was put? When you go to the grocery store do you walk up and down every aisle trying to remember if you have XYZ at home, then buy it but get home to realize you have 100 cupcake liners in the pantry already?
That's where you start.
Before on the left, after on the right.
I redo this cabinet about every 6 months.
"How do I start?"
Be ready to get rid of things:
- Trash
- Recycle
- Donate/Sell
- Move to a better location
I find it's best to have a box or bag for everything that is leaving the space. Then, take the trash and recycle out. Look at your donate and sell pile, will you really sell the things in the sell pile? If so, set them aside and plan to take pictures and post within the next few days. Put the donate items by the front door and make a plan to take them to the drop off location within a few days, otherwise you will just move the donate and sell items around the house as you continue to organize, trust me!
"Now what?"
Now your space should be empty. Whether it's a drawer, closet, room, etc. Dust the shelves, vacuum out crumbs, wipe down walls, clean cobwebs, whatever needs to be done.
Then, walk away, make a cup of tea, take a look at the "stuff" you want to put back in the space.
If it's a shared space ask other family members what they want to see out of the space.
"I'm overwhelmed, what's the next step?"
Put your stuff back. If you think you need organizing boxes, or baskets try using old Amazon boxes, cut down cereal boxes, or anything you have laying around first. Give the space some time, if it works and you want something prettier then you can measure and invest.
I know that when you are thinking about organizing you want to go to the nearest Bed, Bath, and Beyond or Amazon, or The Container Store. We see their advertisements, or magazine articles and everything looks "SO CUTE!" But, until you know it will fit the space, don't buy.
Before on top, after on bottom.
"What's the secret?"
There isn't one.
Whaa whaa whaa...
Whaa whaa whaa...
I have organized a space and it worked for years.
Or, the bathroom cabinet above, I've tried different things every 6 months or so for three years and still don't have a perfect solution.
Purge, try to organize, give it time, if it doesn't work, try something else. And then, if it still doesn't work, try again.
That said, if you have a certain area that is driving you crazy and you want more personalized help please feel free to reach out to me, send me pictures, and I will do everything I can to help.
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