It seems a little odd to be talking about toilets after posting recipes, but this blog is about normal real life, and sadly, that includes cleaning toilets. Also, this post will be lacking in pictures, I didn't think anyone really wanted to see pictures of my bathroom...
I try to stay away from using too many harsh chemicals, between my allergies and not liking all of the fumes and chemicals. I stick to mostly the Method Brand for all of my hand soaps, dish soaps, and cleaners. They use primarily plant based ingredients, they don't test on animals, and their bottles are made out of 100% post consumer recycled plastic. Also, they all smell yummy without smelling fake, and the bottles look pretty under my cabinet.
That said, my favorite toilet cleaner is simply baking soda and vinegar. I sprinkle in about a tablespoon of baking soda, pour in about a 1/2 cup of basic white vinegar, giggle when it bubbles up because sometimes I'm still a kid, and because I believe you have to try to find fun in everything.
Anyway...let it sit for about 5 minutes, or if you get busy until one of the kids goes into the bathroom and asks why the seat it up and it smells funny, then tell them to use the toilet brush to quickly scrub it so they can do their business, expect eye rolls, and "Eww! That's not my job! Toilets are gross!"
I've found that not only does this clean the bowl well, but it also keeps it nice a shiny for a few days until you have to clean it again...
Hence the name of the blog, Cook, Clean, Organize. Repeat.
For the rest of the bathroom I just take every thing off of the counters and the shelf in the shower, fill up the sink with hot water, and then spray all of the surfaces (counter, faucet, top of toilet, tub, shower walls, etc) with Method Bathroom Cleaner (it's a yummy eucalyptus mint smell) and walk away for a few minutes. I come back, dip my rag into the sink to get it wet and ring it out, and then wipe everything down, leaving the toilet for last!
Note: Please leave the toilet for last, once I was teaching a younger woman how to clean houses and she was in the bathroom right off of the room I was cleaning, I was horrified to see her wipe the toilet rim, then the front of the toilet, then the seat, lid, top of the tank, and turn to wipe the sink and counter! NO! So much NO!
If a rag touches the toilet it then needs to be put right into your dirty rag bin or washer, I don't care how clean you think you are, it's a toilet, and we all know what goes in there!
Then I quickly take a rag and dry everything, again, the toilet last! Some people might think it's crazy to dry everything, but if you've ever just finished wiping down your toilet and had a little one run in to use it and heave themselves up onto a wet seat and slide off, it's worth the use of another rag! (Although it was hilarious to watch!)
Take another rag, spray it once with your bathroom cleaner and wipe down the toothbrush holder, soap dispenser, and anything else you might keep on your counters or shelves.
Move on to your mirrors, and glass shower doors if you have them. I only use the Sprayway Glass Cleaner, I've tried quite a few different bands and it is the only one that doesn't streak and is ammonia free. Plus I can find it at any store!
After your mirrors and any glass you just have the floor. I usually sweep before I start the bathroom so that the floor doesn't have any drips when I'm trying to sweep. Then I mop using hot water and just a bit of dish soap. When I still had a little one that was newly potty training sometimes I would add a bit of vinegar to the solution to clean the floor around the toilet a bit better. If you prefer to have shinier floors add about a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to your mop water.
As always, let me know if you have any questions, and let me know what else you would like to see posted on the blog!
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